
ECYPHER wants to be an opportunity for young people who want to expand their knowledge on Hip Hop Culture and street disciplines by confronting themselves, with realities similar to theirs but in different cities and places, in different countries, without forgetting which ones are their roots.

A thorough understanding of one’s roots allows a complete evolution of oneself in any social, artistic, expressive or working context.
For this reason, the project gives the possibility to assign study / training grants to the most deserving and motivated young people.
These young adults will have the opportunity to follow all the phases of the project that will develop into workshops, conferences, events and events organized by the 4 partners who are BE-STREET Hip Hop School – ALBA, CHECK THE STYLE – L’AQUILA, THE LEGITS BLAST EVENT “OUTBREAK EUROPE” – BANSKA BYSTRIKA and UNDERGROUND SOUL CYPHER – STUTTGART.
A mixed group of 8 young people will work together in 4 different cities on the same common theme, implement the knowledge and understanding of Hip Hop Culture and Street Cultures with a particular focus on BREAKING also following a part of training on the roots and history of each single place that will host this series of events.


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