European Crossborder Youngs to Promote HipHop, Equality and Roots /// ECYPHER

An innovative approach that tries to put in contact young people and local communities, in the European Union.

Ecypher is a collaboration between Be Street Associazione Hip Hop, Check The Style Events, Outbreak Europe & Underground Soul Cypher.

The project is Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the EU 2019

The Partners

Learn about the organizations behind the project

The Scholarship

Learn about the Ecypher European Dance Scholarship

“Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create, to educate people on a larger level and to make a change”

Dough E. Fresh

The idea for the project originated from the recognition of a primary problem detectable in modern societies, where young people are often isolated from their communities. They have interests and they practice disciplines (such as those linked to the Hip Hop culture) often considered by the « adults » not «serious » and even « dangerous » (i.e. associated to a wrong idea of negative environments). On the other hand, local communities are not able to effectively dialogue with their youngs to communicate all the values and contents handed down from generation to generation. READ MORE